The Confederate Corps got intermingled and about noon Braxton Bragg ordered Hardee to take control of the left units, Polk the center units, and he himself would take control of units on the right. The defensive line of the Union forces held firm, and General Johnston ordered the reserve corps of General Breckinridge to attack the Federal left by the Peach Orchard. As Breckinridge's three brigades were furthest to the rear, it was after noon before he participated in the battle.

union flag

the War
the States

Pittsburg Landing
6th-7th April 1862

stars and bars


Breckinridge's Corps and elements of the other Confederate corps advanced through the Peach Orchard to attack the Union Fourth Corps, which was located in the lane by the William Mause George home.


General Albert Sydney Johnston personally led elements of General Breckinridge's Corps on the assault of the Federal left, as General Breckinridge was having difficulty in ordering his troops forward as they refused the order. The General himself was nicked in the leg and bled to death as his boot filled with blood. The oak stump behind the fence was then an oak tree, which the general swooned under. He was then carried to a ravine to be attended to but the wound was mortal and he expired on the battlefield.


The Bloody Pond was (is) located north of the Peach Orchard and the Miller farm and offered relief to wounded soldiers of both sides as they bathed their wounds.

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