After the Federal line along the Peach Orchard, the Sunken Road, and Duncan Field was shattered, Grant reformed his five divisions along Pittsburgh Landing. The Federals had been driven toward the landing, and not north of it as General Beauregard had planned. The Confederate attack was halted at nightfall and General Beauregard prematurely wired Richmond announcing a victory, the second day of the battle of Shiloh had not been fought.

union flag

the War
the States

Pittsburg Landing
6th-7th April 1862

stars and bars


After the Confederates broke the Federal position along the Peach Orchard, the Sunken Road, and Duncan Field, the Union forces retreated and regrouped in an "L" shaped line perpendicular to the Tennessee River and parallel along the Pittsburg Landing Road supported by this line of cannons. Nightfall came and General Beauregard, whom command devolved to on the death of A.S. Johnston earlier in the day, halted the attack.


During Sunday evening, the evening of April 6, General Buell ferried the Army of the Ohio, almost eighteen thousand troops strong, and reinforced Grant's reformed defensive position about Pittsburg Landing, placing his troops on the left of the Federal line.


On the evening of April 6, Lew Wallace (the author of Ben Hur) marched his division from Crump's Landing up river and placed his division on Grant's right flank, reinforced Grant with five thousand troops.

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