The gazebo was in a state of some disrepair when we first viewed and then later purchased the property, and the deterioration continued during the short time we occupied our new home. We replaced some of the roofing tiles and replaced all the screening, which we secured to the posts by three-eights wide slats we cut from two by fours on my new table saw. |
![]() This is the gazebo as it looked when we purchased the home. |
![]() This is looking thought the gazebo as it was when we purchased the home. |
![]() We rebuilt two walls and the cross pieces below the railing and replaced the screen door from the stone patio. The extent of the damage to the floorboards is shown in this photograph by the color of the unpainted wood on the right compared with the green stain the previous owners used on the deck on the left. |
![]() We replaced a two-foot fluorescent fixture over the cabinets with a four-foot fixture and replaced the outside floods with floodlights with a light sensitive sensor. The sink and faucets have been replaced; the refrigerator is new, as is the propane gas grill. |